Thursday, September 3, 2015

24 Hour Tincture

24 Hour Tincture
A Recipe 
(This recipe is for legal MMJ patients and legal recreational marijuana users ONLY!)
Medical marijuana tinctures can be a big help to patients, especially to those who do not smoke, vape, dab, or eat their medicine, but instead rely heavily on topicals and/or capsules. This is because it can be used in both of those functions (in a topical or in capsules) and it is also traditionally edible as well, but does not have to be combined with food to be consumed, unlike canna-butter or canna-oil.
Tinctures can be made from several bases, but the base we are using for our 24 Hour Tincture is food grade glycerin. Glycerin is slightly sweet, thick and syrupy, and makes for a great, smooth, tasty tincture. 
(Now, I would like to note that this tincture recipe may not produce as potent of a tincture as a recipe that calls for its creation over the course of months... but it still gets the job done! AND it's fast and easy.)
Without further ado, here is the recipe!

24 Hour Tincture:

What You Need:

1 oz. of high quality medical marijuana trim and/or bud per 20 fl. oz. of food grade glycerin
slow cooker
glass storage jars

What To Do:

1. Turn the slow cooker on to "Low" (The lowest setting besides "Warm" or "Keep Warm")
2. Grind your trim and/or bud very well, but try not to let it get too powdery.
3. Put the ground up bud in the slow cooker and close the lid as you get your glycerin ready to pour.
4. After letting the bud slightly heat in the slow cooker (without burning) alone, slowly combine the glycerin with the cannabis. 
5. Return the lid to the slow cooker and allow the medical marijuana and glycerin blend to "cook" for 24 hours, stirring occasionally. (You can turn the cooker down to "Warm" or "Keep Warm" while you sleep and back to "Low" when you wake to be a bit more safe and to avoid overcooking or burning the bud/trim.)

6. After 24 hours, turn the slow cooker off and allow the mixture to cool. 

7. Once the glycerin/cannabis blend is cool, slowly strain it through the cheesecloth and into the glass storage containers.

You now have a 24 Hour Tincture!