Thursday, September 3, 2015

24 Hour Tincture

24 Hour Tincture
A Recipe 
(This recipe is for legal MMJ patients and legal recreational marijuana users ONLY!)
Medical marijuana tinctures can be a big help to patients, especially to those who do not smoke, vape, dab, or eat their medicine, but instead rely heavily on topicals and/or capsules. This is because it can be used in both of those functions (in a topical or in capsules) and it is also traditionally edible as well, but does not have to be combined with food to be consumed, unlike canna-butter or canna-oil.
Tinctures can be made from several bases, but the base we are using for our 24 Hour Tincture is food grade glycerin. Glycerin is slightly sweet, thick and syrupy, and makes for a great, smooth, tasty tincture. 
(Now, I would like to note that this tincture recipe may not produce as potent of a tincture as a recipe that calls for its creation over the course of months... but it still gets the job done! AND it's fast and easy.)
Without further ado, here is the recipe!

24 Hour Tincture:

What You Need:

1 oz. of high quality medical marijuana trim and/or bud per 20 fl. oz. of food grade glycerin
slow cooker
glass storage jars

What To Do:

1. Turn the slow cooker on to "Low" (The lowest setting besides "Warm" or "Keep Warm")
2. Grind your trim and/or bud very well, but try not to let it get too powdery.
3. Put the ground up bud in the slow cooker and close the lid as you get your glycerin ready to pour.
4. After letting the bud slightly heat in the slow cooker (without burning) alone, slowly combine the glycerin with the cannabis. 
5. Return the lid to the slow cooker and allow the medical marijuana and glycerin blend to "cook" for 24 hours, stirring occasionally. (You can turn the cooker down to "Warm" or "Keep Warm" while you sleep and back to "Low" when you wake to be a bit more safe and to avoid overcooking or burning the bud/trim.)

6. After 24 hours, turn the slow cooker off and allow the mixture to cool. 

7. Once the glycerin/cannabis blend is cool, slowly strain it through the cheesecloth and into the glass storage containers.

You now have a 24 Hour Tincture!


Monday, August 17, 2015

25 of the Best Medical Marijuana Strains for Treating Fibromyalgia

25 of the Best Medical Marijuana Strains for Treating Fibromyalgia:

Fibromyalgia is a complex, chronic pain disorder. Known by many as an "invisible illness," Fibromyalgia is often mistaken for other diseases and disorders, written off as general pain, or sometimes even misdiagnosed or ignored. People with fibromyalgia are aware of how real the disorder is, however, and positive progress is being made in the medical community every day to help the people who live with this incurable (but somewhat manageable) condition. One positive step in the right direction involves the use of medical marijuana in treating Fibromyalgia. Several studies have already shown benefits to using medical marijuana for Fibromyalgia, and as we learn more and more all the time, hopefully in the near future we will see even more proof of it's effectiveness, as well as more medical marijuana (and fewer "Big Pharma" narcotics) in the hands of fibro patients everywhere.
But before we get ahead of ourselves though, we have to remember that, as is the case with most medical conditions treated with marijuana, there will probably be certain strains that will help more than others. There may even be certain strains that exacerbate symptoms and flares much more; so it is very important to know what you are looking for in your meds.  

And that is where the staff here at Green Leaf Clinic comes in...

We have been tirelessly researching the connections between Fibromyalgia and medical marijuana for weeks now, in the hopes of discovering the very best strains for our patients with Fibro to consume, and we have come up with a great list for you all. We took in a variety of factors when it came to our final decisions, including which strains truly addressed key Fibromyalgia symptoms, CBD content (as high CBD's offer pain relief, strengthen bones, relieve anxiety, and act as anti-inflammatories, and anti-epileptics, as well as easing nausea), and even smell, taste, potency, appearance, and strain names and histories.  We also read reviews from patients on several websites and informally spoke with Fibromyalgia patients in the Michigan Medical Marijuana Program in Lansing, Eaton Rapids, Ann Arbor, and Grand Rapids.

What we came up with, was a great list of 25 amazing strains (and a few honorable mentions as well) to use in treating Fibromyalgia.  But before we get to that list, let's go over exactly what these meds are treating...

Picture from:

Common and Uncommon Fibromyalgia Symptoms and Associated Conditions:

A person who has Fibromyalgia will experience many, though probably not all, of the afflictions on this list. If there is something you see missing, please let us know in the comments. 

-chronic muscle, skeletal, joint, and deep tissue pain
-muscle spasms/tremors
-"brain fog"
-fatigue/sleep issues/sleep apnea/insomnia
-social isolation
-memory and mood issues
-neuropathy (nerve pain)
-abdominal cramps
-menstrual problems
-fertility problems
-muscle/joint stiffness
-tingling in hands/feet
-itchy skin
-temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders
-irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
-restless leg syndrome (RLS)
-sexual disfunction
-worsened allergies
-gluten intolerance or Celiac Disease
-thyroid problems
-other rheumatic and/or autoimmune diseases such as Lupus, Grave's Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS)

That is quite a slew of problems! But luckily, Green Leaf Clinic has solutions! 
Without further ado, here are...

25 of the Best Medical Marijuana Strains for Treating Fibromyalgia:

1. Permafrost
Sativa dom. Hybrid
This very frosty strain of medical marijuana has relaxing, yet uplifting, euphoric effects. It is effective in treating muscle and joint pain, depression, spasms/tremors, gastrointestinal disorders, and more. It is also a rather great strain for MS patients with, or without, Fibromyalgia as well.

2. Canna-Tsu
Indica dom. Hybrid
This medical marijuana strain is packed with powerful CBDs and is great for treating muscle, joint, and deep tissue pain, inflammation, anxiety, social disorders, muscle spasms/tremors, etc.

3. Violator Kush
Violator Kush is high in both THC and CBDs, making it a very desirable medical strain. It offers relaxation, slight sedation, and pain relief and can assist with both depression and insomnia.

4. Romulan
Indica dom. Hybrid
This strain, named after a smart, devious, manipulative, and mysterious alien race from the Star Trek universe, is wonderful for massive relaxation. It acts as a sedative and is one of the best strains for insomnia. Romulan also assists by melting away stress and anxiety...

5. Green Queen
Sativa dom. Hybrid
Green Queen is a great daytime medication for Fibro patients because it is uplifting and energizing, even as it aids in the relief of joint and muscle pain, muscle spasms, and symptoms of IBS. With it's high levels of THC, this strain is just a fun one to smoke - the fact that it helps with stress and depression too is just icing on the cake.

6. MediHaze
Sativa dom. Hybrid
This strain's high CBDs are matched with high THC for a VERY potent combination.  This sativa dominant medical marijuana strain of canna-power is great for pain, inflammation, anxiety, attention and social disorders, and for providing focus - it's rather heavy pain relief does not come with a fogginess or sedative feeling, but instead a clearheaded, focused "high" which is great for any patient with Fibromyalgia who still has to go to work every day.

Sativa dom. Hybrid
ACDC is full of CBDs and has little to no THC; meaning, there are no psychoactive effects associated with this particular marijuana strain, making it a great choice for those who want relief from pain, inflammation, muscle spasms, anxiety, and more without the "high."  This is also a good choice for those with Fibro who are at a higher risk for cancer, as it helps prevent cancer and kills cancer cells.

8. Blue Dream
Sativa dom. Hybrid
Blue Dream is a great all day medication for Fibromyalgia patients as it provides energy, euphoria, and feelings of happiness, as well as a clear-headed, yet creative and dreamy, focused vibe.  It is relaxing without being sedating and it is a great medical marijuana strain choice for the pain, depression, nausea, stress, and digestive upset Fibromyalgia can cause.

9. Grape God
Indica dom. Hybrid
This Indica dominant medical marijuana strain is a great choice for right after dinner... it provides relief from pain, stress, and depression and makes it's users happy, euphoric, relaxed, and peaceful, without being too heavily sedating. 

10. Tangerine Dream
Tangerine Dream is this writer's personal favorite of this bunch, because Tangerine Dream is a medical marijuana strain that you can smoke all day! It smells and tastes great, it looks great, and of course, it is an amazing medicine. It provides massive pain relief and relaxation but while still stimulating energy, creativity, focus, and drive. It makes one feel euphoric and uplifted, and it truly knocks out pain. It is best for chronic muscle and joint pain, stress, depression, and for those who tend to socially withdraw when their chronic illness flares up.

11. White Berry
Indica dom. Hybrid
This lovely Indica heavy strain is a wonderful choice when it comes to treating pain, depression, stress, and spasms related to Fibromyalgia. It provides relaxation and a significant amount of pain relief, while also making one feel very happy, euphoric, creative, and almost as if floating!

12. Remedy
Got the sickness? We've got the Remedy! This medical marijuana hybrid strain was crafted to be very high in CBDs and very low in THC, making it a great choice for patients who do not desire psychoactive effects or to "get high." It is great for joint and muscle pain, spasms/tremors, anxiety, inflammation, and neuropathy.

13. Blueberry Skunk
Indica dom. Hybrid
One of the best strains for addressing multiple issues, Blueberry Skunk is a great choice for Fibromyalgia patients.  It eases pain, stress, depression, anxiety, nausea, inflammation, etc. plus it is potent, sweet smelling, and flavorful, especially well cured to perfection.  For patients with a lower tolerance, Blueberry Skunk may provide the giggles and the munchies as well.

14. Cannatonic
If the name wasn't a hint enough in itself, I will let you know now: Cannatonic is one of the very best strains for RELAXATION! It is high in both CBDs and THC and it helps with muscle and joint pain, spasms/tremors, neuropathy, inflammation, stress, depression, anxiety, and the negative effects of cancer treatment.  It is an especially important strain for any Fibro patients with a family history of cancer to take as a preventative measure and equally important for Fibro patients who are currently battling cancer as it can help kill cancer cells and slow disease growth.

15. Charlotte's Web
Charlotte's Web is a great strain for patients with Fibromyalgia, but it was originally designed for a little girl with seizures, hence why it is high in CBDs, low in THC, and is a very functional medicine.  It provides great relief from pain, stress, and depression by inducing euphoric and happy feelings and allowing for an energized, yet calm, focus. It's nice.

16. MediBud
MediBud is another strain on our list that is great as an all-day smoke, as it gives pain relief and other wonderful benefits while still providing energy, happiness, and focus (mixed with a hint of euphoria to keep that depression at bay.) It is a wonderful hybrid medical marijuana strain for patients with Fibro!

17. Afghani CBD
Afghani is an amazing medical marijuana strain as is, but someone made it even better by making it  more CBD heavy. Afghani CBD is the perfect medicine for Fibromyalgia patients to take before bedtime.  It is a sedating, relaxing, sleep inducing, dream maker of a med, and it is great for treating pain, depression, restless leg syndrome, muscle spasms, stress disorders, and of course, insomnia.

18. Purple Alien OG
Indica dom. Hybrid
This very relaxing mmj strain is a wonderful choice when it comes to treating symptoms of Fibromyalgia, especially stress, anxiety, pain, nausea, and insomnia.  

19. White Rhino
Indica Blend
White Rhino is actually a favorite with our patients and staff members here at Green Leaf Clinic. Why? Well, White Rhino addresses multiple issues (much like Blueberry Skunk) and it is a pleasure to smoke. White Rhino helps with pain, anxiety, depression, inflammation, nausea, spasms, social disorders, insomnia, and more. 

20. Northern Lights
This medical marijuana strain is another good one for the end of the night, right before bed, as it is one of the best aids for insomnia there is.  It is also good for pain, stress, and anxiety - it lends a calm, dreamy euphoria to the mind, and a soothing, sedative, relaxation to the body. 

21. Avi-Dekel
Sativa dom. Hybrid
This particular strain is another that is high in CBDs and low in THC, a common trend when it comes to treating chronic conditions, and it is a great help for spasms, tremors, seizures, inflammation, pain, insomnia, and digestive disorders such as IBS.

22. Sour Tsunami
One of the first to be bred as a high CBD, low THC strain, Sour Tsunami lead the way for many other strains, but it is still a giant in its own right! Sour Tsunami allows the patient to be relaxed and focused simultaneously while it addresses pain, muscle spasms, inflammation, stress, neuropathy, and more.

23. Somango
Indica Blend
Somango is a wonderful medical marijuana strain for Fibromyalgia patients because it provides a clear-headed, functional, and euphoric energy that is good for pain, anxiety, stress, depression, and frankly... getting through the day!

24. Island Sweet Skunk
This strain can be very good or just kind of good. To be very good, one must find an Island Sweet Skunk that is bred to be high in CBDs as those are best for Fibro patients.  If you can find high CBD variants of Island Sweet Skunk, you will be in luck.  Island Sweet Skunk relieves anxiety, pain, inflammation, muscle spasms, and more, making it a great choice of medicine to treat Fibromyalgia.

25. Casey Jones
Finally, we have the fun, free-spirited feels of Casey Jones to round out our top 25 strains for Fibromyalgia. Casey Jones made the cut because it is a potent, uplifting strain that inspires creativity, daydreaming, and a rather overwhelming euphoria. It can make people rather talkative, so it is great for social gatherings, sporting events, parties, etc. and it lends relief to stress, anxiety, pain, fatigue, depression, nausea, digestive issues, malaise, and more! 

CBD Mango Haze, Critical Mass, UK Cheese, God Bud, Jedi Kush, GDP x Purple Urkle, Pineapple Trainwreck, Super Cheese, LA Confidential, Hawaiian Dream, Avi, Midnight, Nebula II CBD, Zen, CBD Shark, Digweed, Satori, ChemDawg, Blueberry Chunk, Purple Pineapple, Deathstar OG, Deep Purple, White Lightning, Belladonna, Jack Herer, Alien Blues, Holy Ghost, Kali Mist, Jesus, Ringo's Gift, Grand Daddy Purps, Purple Urkle, Dr. Funk, Purple Crack, Shaman, Blue Cheese, Harlequin, and Bubba Kush.

Picture from:Wikimedia Commons

Other Methods of Relief to Try with Medical Marijuana in Treating Fibromyalgia:

-water therapy / swimming
-talk therapy
-healthy diet changes
-Pilates and Yoga (w/ accommodations)
-vacation/sick days/time off/mental health days/medical leaves
-other prescriptions or herbal supplements
-heating packs / ice packs


Michigan Medical Marijuana Program Patients

Saturday, August 1, 2015

The 10 Best Marijuana Strains to Smoke with Your Coffee

The 10 Best Marijuana Strains to Smoke with Your Coffee:

Are you a marijuana patient who also LOVES coffee? Well, you're in luck! Coffee and marijuana go hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly, cookies and cream, bread and butter, etc. (I think you get the picture.) This may surprise some of you, as for years there was a popular misconception that weed was less potent and effective when consumed with coffee (particularly, the caffeine in coffee); but we have recently come to find that marijuana and coffee combined actually can provide mutually beneficial effects. Like what? Well, decreased inflammation in the brain, improved blood flow and circulation, feelings of euphoria, and an increased level of energy, alertness, and focus to start.

But according to a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, just how much you consume of each does make a difference. (Hence where the misconceptions about coffee and marijuana combined probably come from.) You see, in low amounts, the coffee and weed can almost cancel one another out, it's true. But in high amounts, the beneficial effects of both the coffee and the marijuana are enhanced. 

So... the medical advice implied here is seemingly to smoke more weed and drink more coffee? Alright!

But what are the best medical marijuana strains to pair with your coffee? In the opinion of this writer, the best strains to combine with the caffeinated jolts of java you inhale throughout the day would be marijuana strains that compliment the coffee (both smell and flavor wise), marijuana strains that provide several similar benefits to coffee, so as to thus be enhanced (like energy, euphoria, etc.), and marijuana strains with clever names that actually match their characteristics and can be paired with other cuisines as if they were foods themselves.

Keeping that in mind, here are my recommendations for 
The 10 Best Marijuana Strains to Smoke with Your Coffee:

Photo from:

1. Chocolope 
Chocolope is (surprisingly) the only full fledged Sativa on this top 10 list; for though Sativas lend themselves well to providing energy and focus, many Sativa marijuana strains do not fit the flavor profiles of marijuana strains that would pair well with coffee. However, this groovy, chocolicious strain does, so it makes the cut! With it's Earthy, sweet, chocolate/coffee aromas and flavors, it is an absolute pleasure to smoke with a hot cup of coffee. Plus, it is uplifting, euphoric, energizing, and it induces happiness and creativity, so this is definitely one of the strains to pair with your morning coffee; that way, you can enjoy your whole day!

2. Girl Scout Cookies
As one of the (seemingly) most popular strains of 2014/2015, Girl Scout Cookies (also called GSC) is a great hybrid medical marijuana strain to have with coffee. If it wasn't obvious due to the pairing of cookies and coffee, a few other reasons I chose this particular strain is that it is potent, usually loaded with THC, and it lends itself well to increasing good feelings of happiness, euphoria, relaxation, and stress relief. Good for stress, depression, and both mild and severe chronic pain, Girl Scout Cookies could be great with your morning coffee or that mid-afternoon cup that keeps you going. 

3. Vanilla Kush
This pain relieving marijuana strain is perfect for night time with a pot of dark roast. With it's sweet, vanilla-infused Earthy scent and taste, it's thick, therapeutic smoke that acts like aromatherapy, and it's calming, soothing, and euphoric effects, Vanilla Kush will have you savoring every moment; every smoke, and every sip, until eventually you'll just want to slide away into dreamland, It is a wonderful strain for severe pain, muscle spasms, depression, and insomnia and it just tastes so good with coffee!

4. Royal Caramel
This beautiful marijuana strain has a sweet caramel aroma when ground (which smells great with coffee brewing) and a deep, sweet, Earthy, nuttiness added to it when smoked. It is an absolute delight to the taste buds, and it makes perfect sense on this list. Much like the Vanilla Kush, Royal Caramel is probably better for night time with a dark roast, as it sedates the body slightly, lends itself well to relaxation and stress relief, and acts as a sleep aid, making it very effective for insomnia. 

5. Chocolate Chunk
With Earthy, coffee and chocolate like aromas and flavors, Chocolate Chunk is an absolute pleasure to smoke while drinking coffee.  Not only does it taste great, but it actually pairs well with the caffeine in the coffee to reduce inflammation and increase blood flow for healing purposes. Chocolate Chunk is a particularly good medical strain for muscle and joint pain, insomnia, muscle spasms, migraines, and neuropathy, so once again, we are looking at a dark roast in the night...

6. Ice Cream
With it's smooth, creamy, vanilla taste, the marijuana strain Ice Cream is like a creamer you smoke instead of stirring into your coffee. It's a wonderful pairing, Ice Cream and coffee, and it works well for depression, stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and more; and as the effects of smoking Ice Cream are relaxing yet uplifting simultaneously, it works as a morning or mid-day smoke for sure. Yummy!

7. Maple Leaf Indica
With aromas and flavors of a sweet, caramel incense, and a syrupy maple perfume, Maple Leaf Indica is one of the most perfect marijuana strains, flavor wise, to pair with coffee. Not only that, but this particularly sweet smelling strain is also quite an aphrodisiac, and can make one feel romantic, happy, giggly, elated, euphoric, relaxed, and even a bit tingly. It can also increase arousal. So maybe save this strain and coffee combo for those nights alone with your significant other/lover. It will be worth the wait...

8. Kaya's Koffee
A relatively unknown hybrid marijuana strain, Kaya's Koffee is actually a great choice to smoke with your coffee - if you can find it! It has a fresh, sweet, and slightly bitter and spicy flavor to it that makes for a good match with a morning cup of coffee : black. 
Kaya's Koffee is best for those with chronic pain, ongoing depression, neuropathy, and anyone receiving cancer treatment, as it makes it possible for them to get through the day. But really, this happy strain addresses a lot of issues, inspires creativity, and lends itself well to euphoria, so actually, it is really good for everyone. Smoke up!

9. Dairy Queen
With it's sweet, pungent, creamy smell and taste, this strain is much like a yummy, frozen, dairy treat from the ice cream truck. It is a mood boosting, energizing, creativity inducing marijuana strain whose effects are most definitely heightened when paired with coffee. With a boost of euphoric feelings and energy as well, this strain is a perfect way to start your coffee drinking day.

10. Cookies and Cream
This marijuana strain has a sweet, vanilla cookie like flavor with soft Earthy and nutty undertones, making it a balanced choice to pair with your morning or mid-day cups of coffee. With it's ability to relax the body without sedating it and chill the mind while still simultaneously stimulating and uplifting it, Cookies and Cream is a great marijuana strain to combine with coffee, especially if you suffer from stress, depression, or chronic pain.  The euphoric feelings are another added bonus, making this a great medical strain for those patients who still have to work all day. Enjoy!

Other Contenders:
Cookies Kush
Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies
Black Velvet 
Black Cherry Soda
Sugar Black Rose
Sin Mint Cookies
Night Train
White Rhino
Blueberry Skunk
Chocolate Rain
Cocoa Kush
Hash Heaven
Sugar Babe
Vanilluna (aka: Vanilla Moon)
Chem Cookies
Platinum Girl Scout Cookies
Vanilla OG
Sugar Shack
Sweet Tooth
Chocolate Thai
Northern Lights
OG Kush
Purple Power

Journal of Neuroscience
Medical Marijuana
The Green Leaf Clinic Staff

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Best Marijuana Strains to Start and End Your Day

The Best Marijuana Strains to Start and End Your Day:

Medical marijuana can be very useful in helping relieve and/or treat pain, anxiety, depression, nausea, muscle spasms, ADHD, restless leg syndrome, cancer, glaucoma, etc. But as we discussed here:  Indicas and Sativas and the Importance of Knowing Your Meds, not all medical marijuana strains are created equal, nor do they all address the same medical issues. So, it is important, as a patient in the medical marijuana program, that you do some research in order to find the best strains for you!

We here at Green Leaf Clinic want to keep helping you with your research efforts by putting as much medical marijuana information together that we can for you, here on our blog! We already gave you a great list of strains to medicate with during fireworks displays: 10 Marijuana Strains to Smoke Before a Fireworks Show, but now we want to provide you with a bit more practical information for day to day use. Hence: The Best Marijuana Strains to Start and End Your Day

10 Best Medical Marijuana Strains for Morning:

Morning strains are meant to be a bit more uplifting, cerebral, and energizing. Though they can help with pain, they are not major sedatives, so a patient can still be highly functional on these. Many of these strains ease anxiety, stress, and depression, cultivate focus and clarity, and offer the patient euphoric feelings of well being to help get through the day. Almost all of them will assist with nausea and help patients eat a solid breakfast as well. What a perfect way to start a day!

1. Peacemaker
2. Super Cheese
3. Durban Poison
4. Cinderella 99
5. Power Plant
6. Jack Herer
7. Super Lemon Haze
8. Killer Queen
9. Blueberry Yum Yum
10. Kushage

More great morning strains: Pot of Gold, Kandy Skunk, Super Sour Diesel, Blue Dream, Green Crack, Platinum Bubba Kush, Lemon Drop, AK47xBubblegum, Purple Haze, White Fire, CheeseWreck, White Widow, Headbanger, Emerald Jack, Tangerine Dream, Super Silver Haze, Pineapple Express

10 Best Medical Marijuana Strains for Night:

Night strains are meant to be more relaxing, soothing, and calming than morning strains. Medical marijuana strains that are best used after dark also act more like sedatives, muscle relaxers, and high dose painkillers than the morning strains do.  They also assist with insomnia issues. Many recreational "stoners" will claim that these strains will give you "couch lock," (as if it is a bad thing) and they will actually steer people away from these strains; but as a patient and a budtender I can tell you right now: if you are in massive amounts of pain after a long day of work, "couch locked" is exactly what you need to be - and these strains will help! Offering full body relaxation and with just enough added oomph to happily buzz the brain, these nighttime strains are the perfect end to a long day.

1. Granddaddy Purple
2. Northern Lights
3. Purple Urkle
4. Lavender
5. Grape Ape
6. Blue Cheese
7. G13
8. Blackberry Kush
9. Afghani
10. White Rhino

More great nighttime strains: Dr. Funk, Brand X, Deathstar, Purple Rhino, Critical Kush, Skywalker OG, Purple OG Kush, God's Gift, MK Ultra, Purple Passion, Hindu Kush, God Bud, Blueberry, Bubba OG, Deep Purple, Power Kush, Grunk, Blueberry Skunk, Romulan, Vanilla Kush, Ogre Berry

Saturday, July 4, 2015

10 Marijuana Strains to Smoke Before a Fireworks Show

10 Marijuana Strains to Smoke Before a Fireworks Show

Marijuana is a great medicine. But it's also a lot of fun. 

So why not combine medicating and having fun by finding the very best strains for all your favorite activities? I'll start: with fireworks!

These are (in my humble opinion) the best strains to smoke before a fireworks display because they will heighten the good (the colors, the patterns, the haze) and diminish the bad (the anxiety, the stress of the crowds, the pain). Enjoy!

10 Marijuana Strains to Smoke Before a Fireworks Show

1. LSD

NOT the one you're thinking of...
This hybrid marijuana strain is high in THC, provides intense feelings of euphoria, and is very psychoactive. It is an incredibly powerful strain that could hit beginners a bit too hard, but would be a GREAT hit for experienced smokers about to get their firework watchin' on.

2. OG Kush

This Indica strain is a THC heavy, long lasting smoke. Euphoric effects can be expected as well as possible visuals. It is slightly sedative to the body and provides massive pain relief. But what do you expect? It's an OG, baby!

3. Girl Scout Cookies

With it's sweet taste, high THC content, and silly name, this Indica dominant hybrid is a popular strain - but only smoke it if you want to be "zoned out" for the fireworks as it is a VERY sedative and "body high" strain of marijuana.

4. Satori

This Sativa strain is a great stress reliever; it provides a heady and soaring "high" without sedating the body. This is a particularly great strain for those who like to be active while the fireworks are being displayed.

5. THC Bomb

This Indica (and THC) heavy hybrid calms and sedates the body and provides a highly intellectual and creative "high" to boot. It is great for relaxing and really taking the beauty of the fireworks in.

6. Amnesia Haze

An energizing and highly potent Sativa hybrid that may be so strong that you may actually experience bouts of memory loss while on it? Yup. That's Amnesia Haze!

7. Blue Rhino

The Indica dominant Blue Rhino has a shocking amount of THC for a hybrid of it's kind, not to mention an exotic, fruity flavor that is pure pleasure for the taste buds. It is a rather potent strain, so pain relief and sedation are fully combined with heady, creative, stimulation for great effect!

8. Endless Sky

Just the name of this one seems to qualify it! This Indica dominant hybrid marijuana strain has an Earthy, spicy, yet skunky smell with hints of hash and pine and provides an extra spacey and relaxing "high" which is just too perfect for observing a fireworks display to resist.

9. Emerald Jack

The Sativa dominant hybrid Emerald Jack is a great uplifting strain for those who want to party long after the fireworks are over! It hits slowly, but it provides energy, creative stimulation, euphoria, a feeling of lightness, and even increased sexual desire. Watch out for patients smoking this strain!

10. Green Crack

Not real crack.
Renamed by Snoop Dogg at some point, this popular marijuana strain is an excellent choice to smoke before observing a fireworks display because it provides energy, euphoria, an overwhelming feeling of joy and well-being, as well as creative stimulation.  The THC levels are not as high as in some of the other strains listed here, but this strain is still just such a joy to smoke!

Other Contenders:

White Rhino
White Widow
Cannalope Haze
Dr. Grinspoon
Durban Poison
Golden Haze
Blue Monster
Hawaiian Snow
Blue Dream
Kali Mist
Purple Cream
Tangerine Dream
Strawberry Haze
Berry White

Did I forget any of YOUR favorites? If so, let me know in the comments.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Cannabasil Pesto - A Medical Marijuana Based Pesto Recipe

Cannabasil Pesto:

Photo from: The Weed Blog
A recipe from PonchoMeg: The Modern Bohemian: writer, musician, actress, model, educator, ordained minister, artist, fitness trainer, mmj patient, and more! Enjoy! 
(But only if you are a patient or reside in a region where cannabis is recreationally permitted to those within your age group. This is NOT intended for illegal use or for use by anyone under the age of 21, unless stated by a medical doctor and/or for accepted religious customs/ceremonies.)

Cannabasil Pesto
A medical marijuana based pesto recipe.


3/4 cup basil leaves (fresh)
10 grams of medical marijuana bud (try to choose a savory strain)
1/2 cup parsley leaves
1 cup canna-oil (made with olive oil - NOT the coconut oil)
8 cloves of garlic (or more to taste) 
1 tsp. iodized salt 
1 tsp. sea salt
1/2 cup almonds or cashews
a pinch of pepper (or more to taste)
a dash of lemon juice

(NOTE: If you want cheese in your pesto, make as follows & simply add a 1/2 cup of grated Parmesan cheese towards the end, as well as a touch more canna-oil if needed.)


1. Preheat oven to 230 F.

2. Break up your 10 grams of medical marijuana bud, but do not grind.

3. Place your bud on a cookie sheet in a thin, even layer, and cover with aluminum foil.

4. Place the prepared cookie sheet into the oven and "bake" for 45 minutes to an hour.

5. After 45 minutes to an hour, remove the bud from the oven and let cool just slightly before use in the pesto.

6. While the bud is "baking," you can gather all your tools you will need to work with, collect your ingredients, and make sure that all the food is washed and clean and cut and ready to be used.
Available on Amazon.

7. As the bud cools, combine the basil, parsley, a small amount of the canna-oil, the garlic, the salts, the nuts, and a pinch of pepper in a mortar and pestle set, a food processor, or a blender and mix it up! Slowly add the rest of the canna-oil as you smash, grate, and blend the pesto mixture, adding more and more as you go. Add the baked cannabis directly before the last of the canna-oil and combine well with the rest of the paste.

8. Finish the Cannabasil Pesto off by mixing in a dash of lemon juice and by adding more of anything that you feel the pesto needs to suit your taste. (Cheese, more garlic, more basil, more pepper, etc.)

9. Enjoy your Cannabasil Pesto in pastas and salads, as a sauce for white meats, poultry, fish, and tofu, as a sandwich, wrap, or pita spread, on a homemade pizza, or simply as a dip with crackers, specialty breads, and vegetables.

50 Things to Make with Pesto : Food Network
Good luck and happy eating! Stay medicated!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Cannabis Coconut Oil Recipe

Cannabis Coconut Oil Recipe:

Photo originally used on BuzzFeed

What You'll Need:


crockpot/slow cooker

aluminum foil



cannabis (trim, shake, and/or bud)

coconut oil

sunflower liquid lecithin

glass storage container/jar

about 5 hours 

Buy on Amazon
Buy on Amazon


1. Start by decarboxylating your cannabis. Preheat the oven to 230 F. 

2. Break up your plant material (trim, shake, and/or bud) but do not grind.

3. Place the plant material on a cookie sheet in a thin, even layer and cover with aluminum foil.

4. Place the prepared cookie sheet into the oven and "bake" for 45 minutes to 1 hour.

5. After 45 minutes to an hour, remove the cookie sheet of marijuana from the oven and set to cool.

6. Turn the crockpot/slow cooker on low/medium (around 150 F - 175 F)

7. Combine 1 cup coconut oil and 1 teaspoon sunflower lecithin in the crockpot/slow cooker for every 14 grams of decarboxylated bud (24-28 grams if you are just using trim)

8. Cover and let it all simmer for about 3-4 hours, making sure to stir every 35-45 minutes or so.

9. After 3-4 hours, turn off the crockpot/slow cooker and allow contents to cool, but not harden.

10. Once mostly cool (but still very much in liquid form) strain the contents of the crockpot/slow cooker through the cheesecloth, collecting the liquid cannabis coconut oil in a glass storage container.

11. Store in a cool, dry, dark place, and use for cooking, in capsules, on sore gums, as a topical cream on it's own, or as a base for massage creams, lotions, hair care products, etc. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Indicas and Sativas and the Importance of Knowing Your Meds

As a medical marijuana patient, much of your treatment once you are certified depends on you! But figuring out which varieties and strains of medical marijuana work best for you can seem a bit overwhelming, I know. So today on The Green Leaf Clinic Blog we are going to discuss some major similarities and differences between indicas and sativas, the magic that is the hybrid, and the importance of knowing your meds.

Indicas and Sativas and the Importance of Knowing Your Meds:

Medical marijuana on the whole, regardless of strain or variety, tends to help with pain, nausea and food issues, anxiety and stress, and inflammation. But particular strains and varieties obviously have the potential to do more in some areas over others. Here, we will discuss some of the key ways in which indicas and sativas affect and help the body.

Popular strains: OG Kush, Granddaddy Purple, Afghan Kush, Blueberry, Purple Urkle
Indica plants are typically more stout and bushy, with thicker fan like leaves than a Sativa plant. The aromas and flavors can vary from sweet, musky Earth tones, to juicy fruit-laced flavors, to super skunky and pronounced scents and flavors that will indicate to everyone around you that you indeed have weed on you!

Indica strains are mostly known as being the "couch lockers;" this is because indicas tend to produce more of an overall body "high" as opposed to just a head "high." Indicas are great for treating chronic pain, muscle spasms, MS, Fibromyalgia, EDS, nausea, insomnia, CFS, anxiety, stress, Restless Leg Syndrome, migraines, seizures, and other disorders and symptoms that heavily affect the physical body. Indicas and Indica heavy hybrids are usually best for evening use, particularly right before bed, as some can give a feeling of physical numbness or sedation.

Popular strains: Kali Mist, Durban Poison, Green Crack, Lemon Haze, Jack Herer

Sativa plants typically grow a bit more tall and spindly than indica plants do and their leaves are usually more thin and finger-like than fan like. The aromas are typically not as "skunky" as with indicas either, so hiding a sativa plant or bud is usually a bit easier than an indica plant or bud. Many of the flavors for sativas are bright, fruity, & spicy; some may have a bit of an "industrial clean" smell & taste to them as well. 

Sativas are known to give a more heady "high" as opposed to a body "high," but that does not mean that the physical state of the body is not altered whilst using a sativa; sativas actually can address pain and muscle issues in similar ways to indicas. Though the pain relieving aspects of sativas surely do not act as intensely, the mental/psychoactive effects are much more pronounced. Sativas are stimulants! Sativa strains are great for energy, happiness, arousal, relieving anxiety, depression, stress, migraines, and nausea, as well as inspiring creativity, productivity, and overall feelings of euphoria. Sativas are a great choice to smoke with other patients too, because they help stimulate the imagination and get conversation flowing.


(AKA: The best of both worlds!!!)

Popular hybrids:
Chem Dawg, AK-47, Juicy Fruit, Pineapple Express, Blueberry Skunk, Headband, Tangerine Dream

Hybrids are great for people with chronic illnesses who have a plethora of symptoms or ailments, because hybrids have the ability to address key areas, hit on by sativas and indicas on their own, together at once! So a patient with high pain levels who also has an anxiety disorder, for example, could get maybe a 60 Indica/40 Sativa hybrid to better meet his or her needs.

Hybrids can also be great if you want the benefits of certain plant strain but don't want to wait to grow it! Some hybrids take key elements from notoriously hard to grow strains and put them in an easier, more accessible strain to grow, taking some of the headache out of things for patients who grow for themselves or caregivers who grow for their patients.
The Importance of Knowing Your Meds

Knowing your strains and what they do for you is very important, because as a patient, you are not just smoking, eating, & applying marijuana to "get high," have a good time, or recreationally get messed up with your friends. You are medicating with a natural, herbal medication in order to alleviate symptoms that affect your well being and life!

Look at it this way: If you were using traditional medicines and not medical marijuana and you had a headache, you would take ibuprofen, Tylenol, aspirin, etc. right? You wouldn't reach for the Tums and then wonder an hour later why you still had a headache, would you? Medical marijuana is similar in that there are particular varieties and strains that address certain medical issues better than others. Some are meant for severe chronic pain, some are meant to stop seizures, some are meant to ease anxiety and stop panic attacks... if you needed one of those and then got one that was an appetite stimulant first instead, you would be in a similar boat as the headache/Tums scenario... but with the munchies involved...

So do your research! Find the varieties and strains of medical marijuana that work for you! There will still be lots of choices, so you will still be able to mix it up from time to time (and avoid "strain lock") but you will have a better idea of what you need, what really works, and a slightly smaller array of plants to choose from in order to make the decision making process a little easier.
Good luck and stay medicated!